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Truist One View

Product Designer


Our users manage large accounts at large companies.

Commercial users manage the finances of large companies. This can include overseeing multiple accounts across multiple sub-companies. **Not reflective of Truist's specific commercial clients**

Gathering context with user interviews.

To begin our process, we engaged with our research team and enlisted the help of Nick Cochran to schedule some interviews to help gather context on our users. I helped out as a notetaker during these sessions.  

Our initial research showed us these two primary areas of concerns for our users with remote banking.

They're concerned because they are responsible for millions of dollars.

Before the pandemic, commercial clients didn't even consider using mobile apps to make approvals, because it was an important 'in-office' task. Once remote work became more prevalent, their viewpoints changed, and they began to prefer the use of mobile apps as long as they felt secure. 

Their primary job is to *approve the movement of money in their companies.

*Transfer approvals are the primary job that our users have to complete. Essentially, it's overseeing the movement of money between accounts/companies/clients. It requires verifying information such as who/what/when/how much for the money that's being moved.

To make the process more secure, we added multiple steps for authentication and confirmation.

Our first concept, built upon the legacy approval system from desktop, and added an additional step for authentication and confirmation for approvals.

Users could be fired if they make an incorrect approval.

The flow below shows how the UI incorporated this redundancy. It initially may seem cumbersome, but this level of safety is what made our users feel secure completing their jobs. 

Testing two primary components

We tested two concepts for the approval experience. One allowed more approvals to fit on the screen, but hid some information. The other showed more information, but was quite limited on how many approvals could be displayed on the screen at once. 

Varying interactive components

In addition to varying layouts on the UI, each of these concepts had varying interactions that could be seen in the prototypes we tested like the one below.

Testing Results

We tested each approval flow with five users each in guided sessions. Overall, users were satisfied with the additional security steps, but did have preferences when it came to the approval cards that you can see below. Another interesting finding was in the company menu, where users actually preferred to have company ID listed before company name, because company names can often look very similar to each other. Because of this, users were used to navigated first with company ID and then name second.

The updated approval process:

To manage a large number of accounts, there are three levels of organization. 

The landing page shows accounts grouped by type, called the account summary, giving users a quick look into the status of all their accounts. The next level down is the account list screen, which lists all the accounts of that specific type.  The final level is the account detail screen,  which shows all the information of a specific account. 

Helping users search through tons of transaction data.

With large corporate accounts in the millions of dollars, transactions can be plentiful. To help users navigate these vast lists of data, we implemented a in-context search with filters. 

How'd it do?

One View was successfully released in the Summer of 2021, becoming Truist's first ever commercial banking mobile app, helping create workplace flexibility for users.

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